Now, there is an odd title for a post from a Christian. I am a Christian that believes the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God and therefore perfect. If the Bible says something then it is true and if it doesn’t seem true then it is only because it is viewed from the wrong angle. In other words the error is in the man that reads it and not in the Bible.

Einstein’s famous formula proves (Heb 11:3 NIV) “By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.” Those that are in the world, that do not even believe that there is a God, do not understand how Einstein’s formula proves God’s Word, but you are not of this world and you can understand.

You do not have to understand the entire math of Einstein’s formula in order to understand what it means. Take a deep breath and look for the basic meaning of the formula.

OK, let me show you the basic underlying principal of the formula. Basically the formula states that everything is made of energy! It states how much energy a certain amount of mass is made of and doing so states that everything is made of energy. There is nothing on one side of the equation but energy and on the other side is only mass. Turn the equation over in your mind and you will see that it says a certain amount of mass equals a certain amount of energy. It does not say that mass plus something else equals energy.

So, if you do not yet understand how Einstein’s formula proves Hebrews 11:3 then answer me this. Can one see energy? I would say no. Though one can see the effects of energy, energy itself can not be seen. ”What is seen was not made out of what was visible.”

I believe that there is always at least two ways to view anything. So let me show you another way to view Hebrews 11:3.

“What ‘is’ seen was not made out of what was visible”. So if what is seen is energy, then one can see energy. However, one can only see the energy when it is locked up into the form of mass. That is to say that a brick is made of energy and is visible, but if it is subjected to an atomic blast it is changed to the form of only energy and no longer a brick. It can no longer be seen, because it is no longer a brick.

It seems to me that only God can take energy and turn it into mass. Mass is being turned into energy throughout the universe and man can also turn mass into energy, but man cannot turn the energy, that once was a brick, back into the brick that it once was.

If you are an unbeliever and you think that I am wrong, then don’t waste your time telling me that I am wrong. Go, make a brick and prove that I am wrong.

6 Responses to E=MC²

  1. creationwitness says:

    Great insight and if you find that interesting have a look also at Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”. Today we try and explain it with quantum entanglement, but he had very different thought on the subject.

  2. astudent says:


    I do find science mildly interesting, but everything is going to change when Jesus returns. So, it seems mostly a waste of time, but then I find many ways to waste time.

    I did not know of Einstein’s “spooky action at a distance”. The truth is I am not as intelligent as you so I have a hard time with quantum mechanics.

    Have you studied any of the patents from Tomas Townsend Brown? How about the patent on the Molecular Mill? These are interesting to me, but I believe they could result in many problems from the world if pursued.

  3. creationwitness says:


    Truthfully I do believe as you have stated above that our science or mathematics can at least point in the direction of truth in God.

    Not as intelligent as me? Your humility is wonderful, but insinuating that I may be more intelligent is nonsense and that was certainly not my intention.

    I did not claim to know or understand quantum mechanics and truthfully the only study on it was to try and understand the theory which is trying to disprove Einstein’s and the only reason I even began to “try” and understand Einstein was because of what he said about himself trying to understand and I paraphrase “How God created the universe.”

    From what you have written I believe you may have a far better understanding than I. My purpose behind any study now is understanding God better and I find God’s teachings in most things I study regardless of the source. Some of my best understanding derives from our least “educated”. At this stage of my life I am truly sorry I wasted so much time in school, but very happy to have dropped out at an early age.

    What I do gather about quantum entanglement is that even with the explanations given, they still fail to explain how anything is entangled over such distance. Off-hand I would say that is because they have no thought on spirit, but of course scientifically that would be foolishness to do so.

    I do not know Brown nor the patent, but now you have my curiosity stirred 🙂

  4. Ese Okposio says:

    The Formula you wrote about is referred to as Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity.

    Everything created by God has energy! Even the whole of Creation will cease to exist if the supply or the radiation of Energy ceases from the Almighty God..

  5. astudent says:


    My statement that I thought you to have more intelligence than me is a statement of the truth, as I see it. It was not meant as a statement from humility. I used to view intelligence as a blessing, but then I considered Solomon. If intelligence was of much importance Solomon would not have worshipped other gods.

    I have traded comments with you many times and I view you as more intelligent than me though you did not infer it in any way. I have to laugh when I think it is not important and yet the world views it as a complement!

    As a Christian I am trying to live under the unwritten law of Jesus. That is (Luke 10:25-28 NIV) “On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus.”Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”” “What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?” He answered: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” “You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.” I want to live and I want to be the type of individual that God wants me to be. So I am trying to obey the commands that lead to life.

    I should have not said anything about patents. Those are patents that prove one can harness the energy that already exists in the universe. Those of the world, that make fortunes from selling energy, will not hesitate to destroy anyone, along with their family, that threatens their cash cow. Truth is that it would destroy the economy of the whole world if free energy were available.

    Let us keep our focus on our Father and let the world alone.

  6. astudent says:


    You are a man much like me. I like everything to be as exact as possible and I see that you do to. Thanks for the proper name “Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity”. In my defence there is only one E=MC² formula, so I don’t think anyone was confused by my error, but still I do not like errors.

    I view everything as made of energy, as opposed to “has” energy. I see that mass is slowly loosing that energy. That is to say mass is slowly being destroyed. Something like a standard that is made, kept in a controlled environment, and when it is checked years later, it is no longer a standard! https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/2018/11/kilogram-forever-changed-why-mass-matters/

    I certainly agree that the whole of Creation will cease to exist if the supply or the radiation of Energy ceases from the Almighty God..

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