February 28, 2014

creationwitnes and I have been exchanging views and comments about the Sabbath and it seems that, to understand the Sabbath, leads to questions about light, darkness, day and night.

This led me to the very first five verses of Scripture. It seems right to me, that one must build his or her understanding of anything on the most basic of truth. Too many times a man’s understanding is built on sand, but sand is not solid ground. The solid ground is under the sand and it takes some digging and effort to reach it. Building on sand is easer at first, but it leads to disaster.

It is recorded that light was made in the third verse of Genesis. We, as men, leap to the understanding that the light created is the light that we see by. However, as we dig deeper, it is clear that God is not speaking about light from the sun, as He has yet to create the sun. Nor is it light created so that He might see, as He has already created the heavens and the earth before He created light.

It seems to me that the light created, spoken of in the third verse of Genesis, chapter 1, is Spiritual light: the understanding of God.

Scripture does not say that God created night, but only that darkness was on the face of the deep (over the surface of the deep (NIV)). God created light that we might see and understand Him.

There is no night that separates the seven days of Genesis, because God is always with us and there no spiritual darkness for anyone that wants to see. Scripture says, “And there was evening, and there was morning”, it does not say evening, night, and morning, because there is no night for those who want to see.

If anyone stands in the sun and does not want to see, they must purposely close their eyes. If they want to see, they will not close their eyes: the choice is theirs. The same thing can be said of the person that does not want to see spiritually: the choice is theirs.

God gives eyes to see the world to most people, but God will give eyes, to see spiritually, to anyone that will ask. The blind men, that we are told about in Scripture, are examples of this.

Search the word “blind” and think about what I said, I think that you will understand what I am trying to say.

Perhaps, I should have said, light, darkness, day, night, and blindness! Everything fits together like a jigsaw puzzle and it seems impossible to try to explain something without drawing something else into the mix.


February 12, 2014

Many of my brothers disagree with much of what I say. I find it a great blessing, when they do. I do not claim to know everything, but I am trying. When I began to search God’s word for understanding, I asked Him to teach me everything. I believe that He will, because it would be a great blessing to me and God likes to bless His children. He certainly has taught me much, but not everything. The only thing that stands in the way of complete success is my limits. I am not a perfect student.

When I write something, I am pretty sure that I am right and I find that others are pretty sure that I am wrong! I have also found that after a long exchange of comments that we are often, both saying the same thing, but from a different perspective.

I believe that God has given me a parable to explain this to me. I have said this before, but I believe it is important enough to repeat, as it might help others. So here, it is again.

A man stands, facing a small lake. In the middle of the lake is a small island and in the middle of the island is a sign, much like a street sign. On one side of that sign is painted “God”.

There are many people around the perimeter of the lake, wanting to know more about this God. No one can wade out to the island as the water is too deep and no one can swim. So, they all must gain understanding by observing and contemplating the sign from a distance.

It should be obvious that a complete understanding, that would be possible under these circumstances, would result from viewing the sign from all angles. Not just from one place on the perimeter.

One man stands facing the front of the sign, calls to another, which stands directly across from him, facing the rear of the sign. He calls, “Do you see the sign?” and the other yells back “Yes”. The fist man then calls, “Do you see the word God on the sign?” and the second man calls back, “I see the sign, but it does not say “God”, it does not say anything.”

The sign represents Scripture and of course those that surround the lake are those who want to know Scripture.

Now, you see, both men are absolutely right about what they see and yet neither knows that the other is also right. Even though they have opposing views, they are both 100% correct views!

If they walk all the way around the lake, viewing the sign from all angles, then they will realize that the second man was correct and yet so was the first.

I have had, and probably will have, many arguments with those who see the sign from only one angle and refuse to walk on around to see it from my viewpoint. I pray that I also see, what they see, and usually I do, because I try to walk around and attempt to see as they do.

At times, it may seem that I am disagreeing when the truth is; I am only trying to explain what I see, from my perspective. It may seem like I am saying they are wrong when I am only saying, look at it from this angle.

So, if you are tempted to argue with me, then please do so. If we keep somewhat of a level head, we both may learn something. That is if we listen more to the Teacher, than we do to ourselves.


February 4, 2014

If you live in the U.S., you might have heard about the big debate between these two men about evolution and creationism. There really can be no debate, because they are not talking about the same thing!

Mr. Ham is speaking about scripture from that viewpoint and Mr. Nye is only speaking about science. Neither is completely right and neither is completely wrong.

Mr. Ham, like most of us, does not spend enough time contemplating Scripture and Mr. Nye spends no time with Scripture.

If you spend much time examining Scripture for yourself, instead of just listening to men, you can see that the six days of creation are not the same as six days of our time.

Two of the days of creation were already past when God made the sun and moon. These lights in the sky were to mark the seasons, days, and years for humanity. Because two days had already past, it is plain that the same standard for the seven days revealed in Scripture are not the same as our standard. They are not twenty four hour days.

Gen 1:13-15 (NIV) And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years, and let them be lights in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth.” And it was so.

There are six days of creation and they are God’s days not man’s days. God’s days are not measured with the same standard that He gave us to measure our days.

Psalms 90:4 (NIV) For a thousand years in your sight are like a day that has just gone by, or like a watch in the night.
2Peter 3:8 (NIV) But do not forget this one thing, dear friends: With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.

Now, because you are reading this, you are probably a Christian and you are thinking that I have judged Mr. Ham when I said that he is not spending enough time in Scripture. I am not applying a different standard to Mr. Ham, because I am also guilty of not spending enough time contemplating the Word of God.

As I understand, Mr. Ham is correct when he says God made everything so there is no evolution. And Mr. Nye is correct when he says not everything was made in six days, because he is applying man’s standard for length of time of the six days.

One more thing about God’s six days. We are still in the sixth day. God has yet to finish His work and therefore has not entered into His rest.

John 5:17 (NIV) Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working.”